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New Zealand Guangxi Association is a society founded to provide community-led services to the Chinese and Asian Migrant community in New Zealand. Over the past decade we have grown from fellowship for hometown nostalgia to serving a member base of well over 600. With greater membership comes greater purpose and responsibility. Every year our association hosts community events including but not limited to: outdoor athletics, indoor sports, environmental conservation, cultural festival, gala, all of which aim to enhance community participation, alleviate anxiety and isolation, promote physical health and general wellbeing, and facilitate migration settlement.

Here at New Zealand Guangxi Association, we’re committed to investing our expertise and resources in order to further achieve our cause. Since 2006, we’ve been supporting our community members in a variety of ways and measuring our success not by monetary size, but by more qualitative measurements such as the scale and effectiveness of our efforts. Just imagine what we can achieve together!

Organization Overview: About Us

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